‘Have some Krispy Kremes’ is my dentist’s advice!

David Horton 75I know that I am not alone in being somewhat fearful of dentists.

Any of them…yours, mine…they are all the same. I believe it is that innate   vulnerability we feel when laid back in the chair, being asked to open wide and relax…

Relax? You are kidding surely! Even the presence of an often cute assistant doesn’t ease the stress – apologies to my female readers but there are seldom male assistants in my experience – is there a reason for this?

After all, they are only there to hand over the instruments of potential torture accompanied by a masked smile. And it is so unbecoming to try and make small-talk with either the torturer or the nurse when you know you will end up in a few minutes revealing yourself to be a jibbering heap!

I have, however, occasionally been engaged in some sort of soothing discourse when they know you are a ‘money man’; doctors and dentists, being renowned for their interest in where to park their surplus cash, are always looking for a good opportunity, and, in my experience, enjoy gloating of their successes.

And so it was, reclining with mouth as wide as the channel tunnel, that I heard the sage advice ‘you should get into Krispy Kremes, you know’.

What the…? I nearly gagged at the thought of those overly sweet and appalling lumps of dough being force-fed to me while my jaw was stretched to its limit.

A dentist recommending them? What the heck was this guy on about? Surely it is not the remit of the profession to recommend such a terrible scourge to one’s teeth!

‘Oh, yes, he went on…I got in at $7.70 in 2012 and sold at $23.30 last November…’

I would have yawned but my widened jaw wouldn’t let me.

‘Now it’s back at $16.30 and I am back in…you should get on it’.

I tried to speak but the unsavoury noises between the drilling and prodding were all I could manage. I nodded in approval of his financial advice.

I left the surgery to the last mutterings about a support level and a bottom!

The day after I looked at the chart as I had a coffee and nibbled on a mars bar…

Perhaps there is something about having a sweet tooth.

After miserable results 10 days ago the price dropped 15%. Several analysts are calling this a good level to buy, as is the good Doctor.

I will let you chew on it.


Author: David Horton is a partner in Market Tutors Ltd in the city (markettutors.com). He has had a significant career in financial markets; he is a trader and trainer with a passion for coaching and mentoring with a good dose of humour.


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