Charlie Burton

Confidence is everything…

A friend of mine is a professional racing driver. This year he’s changed from racing radicals to LMP2 division all of which means little to me! However he was in pre-season testing last week and…

Traits of successful traders…

A trader passed me a document last week released by FXCM giving statistics on their client’s trading activities. Now the information will hardly be a surprise to many of you but I thought I would…

Fear in trading…..

I’ve recently discussed over-confidence in trading and what this can potentially lead to; over-gearing and the use of either ultra wide stop losses or no losses at all. Over-confidence is an exceptionally dangerous position to…

How much leverage?

Although brokers frequently give us at least 100.1 leverage, most retail traders don’t actually understand what 1:1 leverage actually equates to. So let’s explore just what straight 1:1 leverage looks like so we can see…

The dark side of trading…

Every day, all around the world, traders make mistakes. Mistakes are part and parcel of trading and we have to accept that sometimes these are going to happen. However, there are mistakes that traders make…

When sentiment is skewed….

Early last year, I was being interviewed on financial T.V about the Euro. The currency was hovering at around 1.06 versus the Dollar at the time and the interviewer was convinced it was about to…

Accept being wrong in order to be right….

Many traders spend an inordinate amount of time trying to avoid being wrong (having losing trades). They’re obsessed about being right and having high win rate strategies or systems. You can hardly blame them with…

Trading is a confidence game…

As traders, we need to have the confidence to be able to hit the trigger when time comes to take action. We also need to have the confidence in our analysis to stay with the…

AUD/USD Analysis

I always say that trading is simple, but not easy. The concept is straight forward, buy at one price and sell at a higher price so why is it not simple? Well, the human element…

Charlie Burton on Forex

What I love about the markets is that everyone has an opinion. We all like to think that we are right about where we think a market is going next and yet we can’t possibly…


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